Temple In Tamilnadu
About Temple In Tamilnadu

" Devotion At Highest Levels !Tamil Nadu is also popular as 'land of temples' for its grand temples that are architectural masterpieces. There are 30,000 plus temples constructed by rulers of different dynasties over the years. These Tamil Nadu temples are standing testimony to the rich Dravidian art
South India Temples

The architectural excellence of temples in South India depicts the glory of bygone era. Enhanced with huge gateways, Gopurams, Sanctum Sactorum and pillared hallways, these temples are attached with some kind of mythological story. The century old temples are designed with unique shape of gopurams and hallways size. Daily rituals and ceremonies are performed in the holy shrines. These south Indian temples are also an important place for imparting educations, social gathering and celebrations. Take a South India temples tour to marvel these architectural marvels.

Architecture of Tamil Nadu Temples
The most commendable contributions to Tamil Nadu temples architecture were made by the Pallavas, Cholas, Pandyas, Vijayanagar rulers and the Nayakas. Each dynasty had its own way to design these beautiful masterpieces Temples Construction Under Different Dynasties
The temples built under the regime of Pallavas are the oldest temples of Tamil Nadu, dating back to 700 AD. During their period the holy shrines were replicated out of caves. Pallavas had an art of constructing temples of stones.

From 900 AD to 1250 AD, the Cholas took responsibility for the construction of temples. They included many decorative mandpams (halls) and the temples were beautified with huge gopurams (towers).
The Pandayas enhanced the artistic value of the temples of Tamil Nadu with their constant innovation. The Pandayas introduced high wall enclosures, superb gateway arches and huge towers.
Tamil Nadu temples built during Vijaynagar dynasty has distinct style of architecture. It comprised of intriacately carved monolithic pillars.
The splendid art architectural style in Tamil Nadu temple during the regime of Nayaks was marvelous. They added circulatory paths or prakarams.
Temple in Tamilnadu
Chidambaram Kapaleeswarar Amongst the most important and most visited temples in Tamil Nadu, Kapaleeswarar Temple in Chidambaram is a significant Saivite shrine. The dominant deity here is the cosmic dancer Nataraja (Ananda Tandava pose ; the Cosmic Dance of bliss). More
Meenakshi Temple Meenakshi With one of the biggest temple complexes in the country, Meenakshi Temple is thronged by lakhs of pilgrims every year from every nook and corner. Situated in Madurai, this South Indian temple is dedicated to Goddess Meenakshi. More

Madurai Murugan Temple Dedicated to Lord Muruga, this temple of Tamil Nadu finds a place in the list of 33 important temples of Tamil Nadu. It is at a distance of 45 km from Chennai and 25 km from Chingleput. More

Rameshwaram Temple For Hindus, Rameshwaram is as significant a holy destination as Varanasi in India.It is, infact significant for Shaivaites as well as Vaishnavaites. More

Kanyakumari Temple Kanyakumari Temple is dedicated to Goddess Kanya, an incarnation of Goddess Parvati and is one of the most sacred temples of Tamil Nadu. More

Chayavaneashwara TempleDedicated to Lord Shiva, the Chayavaneashwara temple in Tamil Nadu attracts a largen number of
devotees every year.More

Chennai Krishnapuram Temple Krishnapuram temple houses numerous statues that would interests sculptures and other artistic minds. These have also mesmerised a lot of visitors to this temple. More

Kumbeswara Temple
This is the biggest and the oldest Shiva temple situated right in the middle of Kumbakonam city. The main deity of this temple is Lord Kumbeswara and the main Goddess is Sri Mangalambigai More.
Swamimalai Temple The Swamimalai Temple is one of the six holy temples of Lord Subramanya. The temple is dedicated to Lord Swaminathan.More
St. Stephen's Church It was consecrated by Rt. Rev. Turner, Bishop of Calcutta, on November 5,1830. It was named after the Governor because he was primarily responsible for its construction. It was opened to local people on communion on Easter,1831.More

Airavatheeswara Temple
This temple has found itself a places in the list of UNESCO World heritage Site. Raja Raja II built it between 1150- 1173 AD.More
Kailasamundaiyar Temple The highlight of this temple are the inscriptions on the wall that are the oldest references to to Sankara Bhashyam, a commentary on Sankara's philosophy by Chidaananda Bhattaara. The inscription is written in Tamil language with a Sanskrit words in between written in Grantha characters. More
Nageswaran Temple Built in the initial years of 11th century, this temple is an excellent example of Chola sculpture. It attracts many foreigners anxious to understand the rock wall edicts and study the sculptures. More
Jainism In Tamilnadu

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